The Restoration Ecohydrology of Constructed Wetland in PCRWR Premises, Pakistan



Demosite Location
Demosite Location


Demosite Location

Information about lithology/geochemistry:

One proposed site is located in Islamabad, where the climatic conditions are hot summers, cool dry winters and considered as semiarid zone of Pakistan. Average rainfall is 1457 mm, minimum temperature ranges up to -3.9 0 C (degree) in January & 45.90 C (degree) maximum temperature has recorded in June. The Eurasian tectonic plates dominating, Eocene limestone, Sandstone and Soan Syneline are the geological composition of Islamabad.

Main Description

  • The demonstration site is a Wetland that is occupied an area of 748 sq ft and has a capacity to the treatment of 4000 liters wastewater/sewage per day at the catchment area of 1.6 acre.

Conserve Ecohydrological processes in natural ecosystem


Enhance ecohydrological processes in novel ecosystem


Apply complementary Ecohydrological processes in high impacted system


This table presents the different categories of ecosystem services that ecosystem can provide, divided in:

Provisioning Services are ecosystem services that describe the material or energy outputs from ecosystems. They include food, water and other resources.
Regulating Services are the services that ecosystems provide by acting as regulators eg. regulating the quality of air and soil or by providing flood and disease control.
Ecosystem services "that are necessary for the production of all other ecosystem services". These include services such as nutrient recycling, primary production and soil formation.
Cultural Services corresponds nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation, and aesthetic experiences.

EH Principles

Quantification of the hydrological processes at catchment scale and mapping the impacts

Ecological engineering (integration, dual regulation and biotechnologies in catchment scale for enhancement of ecological potential)


Different species of biodegradable plants and algae has been functioning in the wetland to the treatment of 4000 liters sewage/wastewater collects per day from the buildings of PCRWR.


Wetlands 748 sq ft, 0.50 acre office construction and 1.25 acre catchment area are the Ecohydrological infrastructure of PCRWR. However, the different varieties of Hydrophytes, submerged plants, algae and fruit plants were produced by bio-technique to increase the wetland wastewater treatment efficiency and the increase production of fruits per acre.

Ecohydrological Infrastructure

Major Issues

Social ecohydrological system

EH Objectives

Cultural Heritage

EH Methodology

Catchment Ecohydrological sub-system


  • Culture, Sociologically the recreation site creation and biomass has improved health of employees & citizens.

  • Education, Through capacity building the wetland development technical knowledge has started to share with water sector Stakeholders, Academia and Private Sector as well.

  • Law, PCRWR with the treatment of wastewater has started to implement/follow the fresh water protection Acts/Laws of the Local Government/Environmental Protection Agency/City Development Authorities/Municipal Agencies with true letter and spirit.

  • Policy, Under the framework of Pakistan National water policy 2018, Climate change policy 2021 and National Sanitation Policy 2006, the wastewater treatment model of wetland has developed by PCRWR for addressing the climate change and water resources challenges in country like Pakistan.

  • Governance, PCRWR is an organization of the Federal Government of Pakistan working under Ministry of Water Resources and has a mandate to conduct research on all aspects of water resources and main focusing on the achievement of national water policy targets and Pakistan International Commitments/Sustainable development goals 2023. Recently, PCRWR has drafted National Water Conservation Strategy compliance to same, PCRWR has constructed a wetland and started the treatment of wastewater generated on daily basis in office premises. PCRWR has started to sensitize and replication of this model with other public & private sector departments for reducing and reusing the wastewater and also, conservation of fresh water resources across the country.

  • Stakeholders


  • Catchment Sociological sub-system


    • The sewage treatment and production of bio-engineered plants, restoration of wildlife (birds) species and development of recreational site for the employees are the key activities of the titled wetland.

    Expected Outcomes

    • Wastewater/sewage disposal has stopped into the fresh water bodies.

    • Conserve freshwater that had used for plantation and nursery on daily basis.

    • Healthy growth of plants and fruits production.

    • Wildlife restoration.

    Latest Results


    Dr. Hifza Rasheed

    • Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR)


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